Tax Planning – What We Do For You Behind the Scenes

On the surface tax planning may appear boring, but its value can be extremely easy to overlook. Unfortunately it does not show up as additional earnings in your account, so two accounts with the exact same earnings for the year may have dramatically different after-tax results. We believe that by personally preparing the tax returns […]

Our Solutions For You

[fve][/fve] Video Transcript Hi. This is Dave Piatkowski with Dickinson Investments. I just want to take a few minutes of your time today to explain a few of the services we provide here at Dickinson Investments. In recent months at various social gatherings, people have often asked me, “Hey, what do you do for a […]

How We Think About Elections & Investment Decisions

Each time a U.S. presidential election approaches, we visit again with clients about our views regarding the impact of elections on our investment outlook and portfolio positioning. Here is a quick review of how we think about elections in general within the context of our overall investment approach. Why We Don’t Market-Time Elections While the […]

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